Friday, January 28, 2011

A Simple Big Deal

Last night I had a hard time sleeping because I felt like something spectacular was going to happen today. I was anxious and excited for no particular reason. The only plans I had were to work and go to lunch with a friend. Why was I trying so hard to go to sleep so I could wake up and do nothing that was that big of a deal?

Well I woke up this morning, worked, my lunch date got sick so I ate lunch at the office, and worked some more. What was I so excited for? It's Friday, but it's not as if I am so totally overworked and exhausted that the weekend is something I've longed for all week.

I realized while I was working on my current project that I am just excited for what God is doing every single day in my life. Everyday I am exposed to something new, especially living in a new town. While I was going through pictures for new promo boards for F2F 2011 memories started flowing into my mind from every direction. I became overwhelmed with emotions - all types of emotions! I was amazed by how far I've come since last July. I was excited to see what else would happen until this July. I was soo thankful to be given such great opportunities and people in my life.

EVERY SINGLE DAY IS A BLESSING. Even though some HUGE event may not take place, every single day something new is brought to my attention.

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" (Isaiah 43:18-19)

In the same way, don't dread Mondays. I believe that churches hold services on Sundays so that we start our week off with inspiration! Try to see the start of your week on Sundays instead of Mondays. Do you think if everyone did that all of those "Ugh Monday go away" facebook statuses and tweets would turn into "Ugh Sunday, go away, I don't want to go to church and worship the one with the greatest love of all"? .....I don't think so. So try it. It might make going to school or the office on Mondays a little easier. (Might... haha, no promises!)


Matthew 6:33-34