Friday, November 11, 2016


"The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion." - Paulo Coelho

I am proud of my family and where I come from. The family tree is extensive and complicated. It is not bounded by biology, geography, legalities or the social norm. My family is made up of melting pot of ethnicities. Our members find themselves having different religious practices, beliefs, values, sexual orientations, educational backgrounds, military experience, and one that seems to be the most prevalent as of late, political opinions.

The political banter has probably been one of my least favorite things to have around the dinner table. I am usually the one to get up and walk away. I may crack jokes about Thanksgiving and the social media debates, but in all honesty, the division is breaking my heart. The disrespect and arrogance that seems to prevail in some of the people I love and respect most is what is leaving me shaking my head.

As I watched the blood red numbers climb closer to 270 on Tuesday evening, I started to fear for our future. I watched the DOW drop 800 points and the markets shut down. I feared for my many friends in the military. I cried for my LGBT+ friends. The thought of the next President ridding the "Country of the Free" of those of specific religious beliefs horrified me. As a woman, I was just disgusted.

And then he came on stage.

The next President of the United States of America looked humble for the first time in his life. I honestly did not recognize him. My scowl loosened. He gave a speech that made me relax and question everything he had campaigned on. I wondered if he realized after saying, "I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be President for all Americans and this is so important to me," if he realized that there are Muslim Americans, female Americans, lesbian Americans, Mexican Americans, Filipino Americans, and so on...

I've been replaying his sudden change of demeanor that left me baffled and thinking, "We have no idea what is going to happen." I get on to peoples' case about freaking out over things that don't even exist yet. Could this be OK? While listening to the analysts, one said, "Well he didn't really mean anything he campaigned on. It was just to get peoples votes." As much as this made go, "What the heck....?" I also hoped the analyst was right; that he wouldn't follow through with the things he said he would do. Point is, we don't know yet.

"Have no fear in sudden disaster or the ruin that overtakes the wicked for the Lord will be at your side and will keep your foot from being snared." Proverbs 3:25-26

Why don't you just go ahead and read that whole chapter. (That whole book is kinda cool actually.)

As I started this, I thought of the people who would rebuke it. I thought about the people who disagree with me and those who think what I'm saying is crap or that the Bible is crap or that I probably should have just kept all of crap to myself. That's your opinion and I'd appreciate if you keep the negativity to yourself. Nothing you say or do will convince me that Mexicans are bad, homosexuality is reversible, gun control isn't needed, a woman's choice is wrong, or that sexual assault is okay sometimes.

So far, the worst thing that has happened in response to the recent election are the reactions: from those who support him and those who don't. It's embarrassing. I'm so glad Elias doesn't have a Facebook. I'm glad there is an "unfollow" option because I don't necessarily want to "unfriend" you, family. I mean come on, how else would I get you to read this. But I just can't read any more rants, passive aggressive posts, and just pain ignorant statements from both sides of this election.

You guys are not setting a good example. If you don't believe in the system, then stop posting about it. If you are mad the system failed us, then do more than post about it. Do more than post about it on social media. You wonder how a reality start became our President elect? You are living in virtual reality; get off your phones, off the internet and do something that will better our future, the future of your kids and those much less fortunate than us. You have to show aloha, not just talk about it.

For my family reading this, if you feel your heart starting to beat a little faster, I am probably referring to you. Most of the time when you feel guilty it is because you are. Remember you are the ones who raised me to be a strong, courageous, loyal, self spoken woman.

I don't know what is going to happen over the next four years but I will not let this be a ticket for me to be disrespectful or be disrespected. My dad, Eric, told me when I was younger that things are going to happen to me that are completely out of my control; things that will bring me down and bring me back but regardless of where I am, just keep moving forward. Although I have no control of these things, I have complete control of how I react to them. I urge you to take a breath and really think about how you are going to react and how your reaction is going to help the situation.

As for me, I will never stop believing that fighting for what is right is worth it. 

"Our constitutional democracy demands our participation, not just every four years, but all the time. So let's do all we can to keep advancing the causes and values we all hold dear......" -Hillary Rodham Clinton


Oh,  and this is what I will be baking for Thanksgiving.