Friday, November 10, 2017

Back to Me

"Remember who you were before the world told you who to be."


I am currently in a long season of self reflection. In one month I will enter my 29th year and I have to think about where I am and where I want to be; is what I am doing today helping me get there?

Last week I found myself thinking and somewhat obsessing over things that did not matter. As I was venting to my parents about this insignificant "drama" my dad said, "Anna, I think you need to read a good book." He was so right.

So I started The Secret which was recommended to me by a friend a few years ago. I forgot about it until last month when another friend said it really helped him. ("The Law of Attraction" - go figure.) 
It encourages us to focus on the things they want rather than the things they don't want. I'm not sure how I feel about the whole "think about getting rich and you'll become a millionaire" scheme but I do like the motivation to change my state of mind. Too often I am thinking about the things that I don't want rather than being grateful for the things I do have and striving for the things I do want. When we think positively, we act and speak positively, attracting more of those good things we all need in our lives. Who doesn't want that?

With this idea planted in my brain, I began to think about things I can consciously do everyday to better my mind and life. Me focusing on me, bettering myself, my circumstances and eventually positively impacting others as well. Of course there are the norms: drink more water, paddle, go to church and CrossFit. In addition to those, for the next thirty (or so) days, I will be writing. There is no guideline on the subjects or any specific theme - just writing.

From when I was very young, I always kept a journal. I still have all of my journals from traveling and spending summers at the canoe club. About five years ago, I stopped writing. It was during a difficult period in my life and I felt like my private, personal and emotional outlet was not so sacred. That was when I probably needed it most. I really love to write. You could probably read back on previous posts to get a clue.

Writing on a public stage rather than my journals puts me in a very vulnerable position. I like transparency. I'm not doing this for attention or praise. I am all about connections and relationship and if any one single thing I write touches or relates to someone, that's great. I'm going to return to my blog because Instagram captions can only be so long and I usually have so much more to share!

I also realize that on a public platform that there may be people reading this that may not know me "in real life" (sucks for you. JK) A few things to get to know me better: I like coffee, I like food, and I will add you to my Google calendar if you invite me for either. My mom has said I've been making friends with strangers my whole life, so why stop now?


Thanks for checking it out - stay tuned. Book mark the page. See what's up and up to come...

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